Product & Business Development Blogs


Tango – Doctors’ Scrubs

What Makes a Great Cut and Sew Product and How to Get Started: The Development of Tango Scrubs Developing a successful cut and sew product involves a detailed process that

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Our Work

Vento Rake – Outdoor Products

Understanding the Need: The Birth of the Vento Rake Concept The initial phase of developing the Vento Rake involved thorough research and understanding the market needs. Our client noticed that

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The Art of Failing Forward

In a world that often celebrates success and shuns failure, there is a powerful concept that challenges conventional wisdom: failing forward. The idea behind failing forward is not about dwelling

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Is it Worth It To Patent My Idea?

Exploring the Benefits and Considerations Have you ever come up with a brilliant idea that you believe could change the world or revolutionize an industry? If so, you may have

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Famous Inventors

In the heart of Downtown Hollywood, Florida, a remarkable mural stands tall, capturing the spirit of innovation and the indomitable human spirit. Lime Design, a prominent product development company, has

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Industrial Design

Best New Pet Products

Lime Design’s love for pets has made some of the best pet products on the market. With a team of experts who are also pet owners, the company has been

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10 Tips For Successful Inventions

When you think about creating something new, it’s important to know what you’re trying to achieve. What problem do you want to solve? How will your invention help people? Inventing

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