3D Scanning

Your Product.
Our Equipment.
Your Results.

3D scanning is a valuable tool for product development because it allows designers to create accurate and detailed digital models of physical objects. 3D scanning can quickly capture the shape and dimensions of a physical object to create a digital version that can be modified and refined. Another use case is in reverse engineering, where existing products can be scanned and analyzed to understand their structure and design. This is particularly useful when trying to create replacement parts or when developing a product that needs to fit with existing components.

“3D scanning is like taking a photograph of an object, but instead of capturing just its surface appearance, it captures every detail, curve, and nuance in three dimensions, allowing for endless possibilities in product development and design.”

Founder and CEO – Rodrigo Lima

Our 3D Scanning Process

1. Project Requirements

At the beginning of any project, it’s important to examine the requirements to determine what tools and technologies will be needed. When it comes to product development, 3D scanning is just one of many possible tools that can be used. After examining the project requirements, we will evaluate whether or not 3D scanning is necessary. This evaluation will consider factors such as the complexity of the object or component being developed, the required level of precision, the available resources, and the project timeline. If 3D scanning is needed then we will use our state-of-the-art 3D Scanning equipment to capture the details of the surface on the object and ensure we get a high quality scan.

2. Scanning

There are several different types of 3D scanning techniques, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Structured light scanning is good for capturing detailed surface information and is often used for scanning smaller objects. Time-of-flight scanning is better suited for larger objects and environments, such as building interiors, and can quickly capture a lot of data. Laser scanning is great for capturing high-precision data, and is often used in industrial and engineering applications. Photogrammetry is useful for creating 3D models of large outdoor environments and can be used with a standard camera. The choice of scanning technique will depend on the specific needs of the project, such as the size and complexity of the object or environment being scanned, the desired level of detail, and the available resources. Now that your object is scanned, there still needs to be some refinements done to the model.

3. Clean-up

After an object is scanned by a 3D scanner, the resulting scan data is typically in the form of a point cloud, which represents the surface of the object as a collection of individual points in 3D space. This point cloud data must be processed and converted into a mesh, which is a collection of interconnected polygons that form a surface. However, the resulting mesh may contain errors, such as holes, spikes, or self-intersections, which can cause problems when the model is used for design or manufacturing. To address these issues, we will use a mesh cleaning software to refine the mesh and correct any errors. This process involves a range of techniques, such as smoothing, filling in holes, removing unwanted vertices, and optimizing the mesh structure.

4. 3D CAD Conversion

After an object has been 3D scanned and the point cloud has been converted into a mesh, our 3D engineers will typically use this mesh as a reference geometry to create the final 3D model. This involves building a 3D model on top of the reference mesh, using the mesh as a guide for the overall shape and dimensions of the object. However, it’s important to note that the mesh itself may not be suitable for all applications, such as when high precision is required. In these cases, the 3D engineers may need to create a new mesh that more closely matches the desired specifications. By using the mesh as a reference, designers can ensure that the final 3D model is accurate and precise, while still maintaining the overall shape and characteristics of the original object. This is essential for creating high-quality products that meet the needs of the client.

3D Scanning FAQ

In product development, 3D scanning plays a pivotal role by capturing precise digital representations of physical objects, facilitating accurate measurements and assessments. This technology enables designers to swiftly iterate and refine prototypes, reducing time-to-market and minimizing costly errors. By harnessing the power of 3D scanning, manufacturers can streamline their production processes, enhance product quality, and ultimately deliver innovative solutions that meet and exceed consumer expectations.

3D scanning works by capturing the shape, size, and texture of real-world objects or environments using specialized hardware and software. The process typically involves emitting light or laser beams onto the object and measuring the reflected signals to create a point cloud, which represents the object’s surface geometry. This point cloud is then processed and converted into a digital 3D model, which can be further refined, manipulated, or used for various applications such as CAD modeling, reverse engineering, or virtual reality.

Different 3D scanning machines cater to various requirements and environments. For instance, handheld scanners like the Artec Space Spider offer portability and versatility, making them suitable for on-site scanning of objects with intricate details. In contrast, larger stationary scanners, such as those used in industrial settings, prioritize precision and speed, enabling the efficient capture of large-scale objects or environments with high accuracy.